Helping Cape and Islands Residents Since 1936.

Neighbors Fund Services

Neighbors Fund Services

The Cape Cod Times Neighbors Fund provides assistance to more than 4,000 year-round Cape and Island residents annually who are experiencing temporary financial hardships. We help with most basic needs including food, housing, medical, utilities, transportation, home repairs, moving, and childcare. Financial assistance is paid to verified vendors on behalf of our clients.

In addition to financial assistance for qualifying residents, our Intake Specialists provide household budgeting and resource referrals to all callers. The area we serve includes Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket Counties in the state of Massachusetts.

Below is a list of financial assistance categories provided by the Cape Cod Times Neighbors Fund. 

Rent, mortgage, security deposit, temporary shelter

Electric, Gas, Oil, Propane

Vouchers to local grocery stores for fresh food

Medicine, co-pays, care, equipment

Car insurance, car payment, repairs

Relocation, storage

Scholarships for school-aged children and disabled children and adults

Gift card program administered by the Hands of Hope Outreach Center.

Child care resources.

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